15 May · St. Cecelia Catholic School · No Comments

Parenting Tips: How to React When Your Child Hits in Preschool

One phone call parents hope they never receive is from a preschool to report that their child hit another child in class. While your first instinct may be to discipline your child about their behavior, it’s important to stay calm and take the time to make it a teachable moment. St. Cecelia Interparochial Catholic School …


29 Mar · St. Cecelia Catholic School · No Comments

Creative Leadership Activities for Middle School Students

Middle school is a crucial time for students to develop essential skills that will shape them into future leaders. It’s a stage where they start to form their identity and understand the importance of their actions. As educators and parents, it’s our responsibility to guide and encourage them to become confident, responsible, and effective leaders.  …


18 Jan · St. Cecelia Catholic School · No Comments

The Many Benefits of Extracurriculars for Middle School Students

Middle school can be a challenging time for many students as they navigate through academic responsibilities, social pressures, and personal growth. In the midst of all this, extracurricular activities may seem like a secondary priority. However, these activities can actually play a crucial role in a middle schooler’s development, preparation for high school, and overall …


22 Jul · St. Cecelia Catholic School · No Comments

Why It’s Important To Read Over Summer

Summer is here, which means plenty of time to spend at the pool cooling off from the heat and spending time with new friends made through the year! Don’t forget to encourage your children to keep up with their reading, so they can go into their next year of school fully prepared. In today’s blog, …


8 Jul · St. Cecelia Catholic School · No Comments

What Can Your Children Get from Enrolling in Athletics?

For parents who never participated in athletics in their school years, they may be unaware of the important benefits of sports for their children. Everyone knows that exercise is excellent for the body, but there are many benefits you may never have realized that youth athletes gain. Today, the St. Cecelia team will discuss the …


26 Jun · St. Cecelia Catholic School · No Comments

4 Things Causing Your Student to Feel Stressed

Stress and anxiety have become widespread in our society. But it’s not just adults who are experiencing stress at record levels — our children are too. The question that parents should be asking themselves is “Why?” If we know the reasons our children are so stressed, we can begin to take measures to help them …

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